At the first official PBLA Combine, we’re putting 100 players and their skills to the test to join the PBLA. We asked Carmen Kesner, PBLA CEO what they’re looking for from players at the 2022 PBLA Combine! “We’re looking for players with natural talent, competitive attitude, who are wicked smart, and have the PBLA winning spirit.”

There are very specific tests they’re put through to gauge their abilities. These combination tests will showcase potential players’ abilities and where they might fit on a team. So take a look at these skills and see if YOU think you have what it takes to join the PBLA.

Linear Speed

Let’s see how fast you can run over a set distance. Hit your maximum speed to impress us.

Seated Medicine Ball Chest Toss

We’ll evaluate your upper body strength and explosiveness with the Seated Medicine Ball Chest Toss. You’ll have two attempts to throw the medicine ball from a seated position to the greatest distance possible.

T-Test With Ball Pickup

The T-Test With Ball Pickup shows your multi-directional agility by testing your forward and lateral speed. You’ll have one attempt in each direction to go through a pre-determined path, and the best time will be recorded.

Force Plate

A force plate is used to analyze an athlete’s ground reaction force during walking, running, and jumping. It measures accelerations and any imbalances that need correction.

Weave Agility With Ball Pickup

We’ll measure your forward acceleration and ability to maintain speed while controlling a ball in multiple directions. Lose your ball at any point, and you’re disqualified. Athletes must sprint up the start lane, pick up a ball, weave in and out between the flags, and end by sprinting down the finish lane through the gate

Shot Speed and Recovery

To test for accuracy, we use Shot Speed and Recovery. Maintain your accuracy while accelerating. The athlete will run along the pre-defined path, turn around the respective flag, fire a shot at the goal, and sprint through the finish gate. You will get two attempts at this.

Unplanned Change of Direction

We’ll evaluate your reaction time while maintaining control of the ball. You’ll pick up a ball and react to a light indicating which side of the flag to run around the course. Then you’ll run through the finish gate. Take two attempts to hit your best time.

We’ll see all of our potential athletes this weekend.

Follow #PBLACombine for more information about the combine.